Be festive – all time favorite anime episode

Christmas is around the corner! What’s your plan. Surely you prepare your favorite movie for special night, right?

Proud of a member of ‘Otaku’ community, I am also getting my favorite anime DVDs ready.

But hang on……I just wonder if you might might miss one special legendary one….

There are so many Christmas episodes in J-anime scene since old days and I totally agree that most favorite one varies people to people.


Since 2014, epoch-making episode is broadcasted. It’s a famous school-idol anime but the reputation of that episode got beyond the popularity of the series itself.

The title of the episode is ‘Melody of the Heart’

In this 23 minutes 40 seconds, all characters shine vividly on their role (helped by friends!) despite a stormy snowy day, and then, conversing into amazing ending.

I see all essential elements for ‘what is school-idol animation’ are established in a sense, which seems followed by this type of all animations to date.

If you have not watched yet, you are very lucky!

Please reserved it for forthcoming festive day…

Of course, you will watch whole series of Love Love afterward surely.

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